Responsibilities include:
- Budgeting
- Staffing
- Road Maintenance
- Drainage (culverts, ditching, curb & guttering)
- Bridges
- Road Surface (paving & potholes)
- Mowing (rights-of-ways)
- Signage
- Trees (on rights-of-ways)
- Guardrail maintenance
Please contact your Supervisor for all inquiries regarding county roads and bridges.
- District 1 - Jackie Bradford
- District 2 - Joe McGee
- District 3 - Steven Crotwell
- District 4 - Johnny P. Harrell
- District 5 - Wayne Cooksey
Contact Information:
Board of Supervisors
100 East Main Street
PO Box 630
Forest MS 39074
Phone: 601-469-1926
Fax: 601-469-5058