Solid Waste Department


Scott County's solid waste collection contractor, Arrow Disposal, was recently acquired by Meridian Waste. Helpful information regarding the residential collection program provided by Meridian Waste can be found here.

The acquisition alters the holiday schedule. The following holidays will be observed by Meridian Waste:

  • New Years Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

If a holiday falls on or before your scheduled collection day for the week, your collection day will be delayed by one day. If Friday collection routes are affected by the holiday schedule, those routes will be collected on Saturday.

Reminder: Current and past due solid waste payments can be made conveniently online, or in person at the courthouse complex. CLICK HERE TO PAY YOUR SOLID WASTE BILL

The Scott County Solid Waste Department oversees residential and commercial trash collection and disposal for areas outside of municipalities.

To report a missed collection, please contact Meridian Waste. They may be reached by phone at 1-866-440-3983 or by email at


Contact Information:

100 East 1st Street
Suite A
Forest MS 39074
Phone: 601-469-5181